Child Dentistry: What is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Child Dentistry: What is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?
Dental Health for Life
07, Aug 2017

Child dentistry is very important for the future oral health of your child – what exactly is baby bottle tooth decay, what causes it and what can be done about it?

Baby bottle tooth decay is caused by the frequent and long-term exposure of a child’s teeth to liquids containing sugars.

Among these liquids are:

  • milk
  • formula
  • fruit juice
  • sodas and
  • other sweetened drinks.

The sugars in these liquids pool around the infant’s teeth and gums, feeding the bacteria in plaque.

Every time a child consumes a sugary liquid, acid produced by these bacteria attack the teeth and gums. After numerous attacks, tooth decay can begin.

The condition also is associated with breast-fed infants who have prolonged feeding habits or with children whose pacifiers are frequently dipped in honey, sugar or syrup. The sweet fluids left in the mouth while the infant is sleeping increase the chances of cavities.

Why should I be worried about baby bottle tooth decay?

Giving an infant a sugary drink at nap or night time is harmful because during sleep, the flow of saliva decreases, allowing the sugary liquids to linger on the child’s teeth for an extended period of time. If left untreated, decay can result, which can cause pain and infection.

If teeth are infected or lost too early due to baby bottle tooth decay, your child may develop poor eating habits, speech problems, crooked teeth and damaged adult teeth.

Healthy baby teeth will usually result in healthy permanent teeth.

How can I prevent baby bottle tooth decay?

Never allow a child to fall asleep with a bottle containing milk, formula, juice or other sweetened liquids.

Clean and massage the baby’s gums to help establish healthy teeth and to aid in teething.

Wrap a moistened gauze square or washcloth around the finger and gently massage the gums and gingival tissues. This should be done after every feeding.

Plaque removal activities should begin upon eruption of the first baby tooth.

When brushing a child’s teeth, use a soft toothbrush and water. If you are considering using toothpaste before your child’s second birthday, ask your dentist first.

Read the labels on toothpaste please!

Will changes in my child’s diet help prevent baby bottle tooth decay?

A series of small changes over a period of time is usually easier and eventually leads to better oral health.

To incorporate these changes:

  • Gradually dilute the bottle contents with water over a period of two to three weeks.
  • Once that period is over, if you give a child a bottle, fill it with water or give the child a clean pacifier recommended by a dentist.
  • The only safe liquid to put in a bottle to prevent baby bottle tooth decay is water.
  • Decrease consumption of sugar, especially between meals.
  • Children should be weaned from the bottle as soon as they can drink from a cup, usually by their first birthday, but the bottle should not be taken away too soon, since the sucking motion aids in the development of facial muscles, as well as the tongue.

For more information about keeping your child’s teeth healthy, contact us (click here) and book a FREE consultation today!

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